Body & mind

Relaxed<br>Body & mind


The daily grind and working stress lead to psychosomatic illnesses. Luxury Spa & Wellness Hotel Prezident offers a unique facility to minimize this threat. Floating- a hot salty pool with the salinity of the Dead Sea will give peace and harmony of weightlessness to your body, mind and soul. Everything will stop- complete relaxation and regeneration of your body follows. It is not possible to describe it, you must experience it!

Relaxation, complete regeneration of your body and nervous system. This is Floating.

Pain, fatigue and reduced immunity are often caused by persistent muscle tension. The best way to relieve muscle tension is to combine floating and following massage.

Thanks to minerals involved in the water, floating brings strong cosmetic effect to your skin, hair and nails which become stronger and healthier.

High salinity helps to cure many skin problems and diseases.

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